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Sicurezza Asti-Cuneo A33

Emergency Lane

  /  Emergency Lane

Emergency Lane

How to Behave

In the event of an emergency stop, remember to halt your vehicle in a safe position, if feasible, off the carriageway, and to signal the vehicle and make it visible in any case.

To signal the obstruction, use the triangle during the day, and the position or hazard lights at night.

If these do not work, place the appropriate sign (the triangle) in a stable position at least 30 metres from the rear of the vehicle.

Emergency stopping in poor visibility conditions and carrying out operations such as changing a tyre, can expose you to serious risks.

In this case, it is essential to stop as far away as possible from the traffic lanes, and to emphasise visibility of the vehicle and people by all possible and available means, also by switching on the rear fog lights and front lights, as well as the hazard lights.

On some vehicles, these lights are on the tailgate, which if left open, e.g. after removing the spare wheel, makes them invisible: remember to always close the tailgate.

If you are carrying out emergency operations, remember to make yourself as visible as possible, by wearing – as prescribed by the Highway Code – a high-visibility vest or braces; during all operations, it is also important to keep an eye on vehicles coming onto the road, so as to perceive any dangerous situations in advance, in order to try to dodge them.

In the event of an emergency stop at the side of the carriageway, and especially in poor visibility conditions, occupants should exit the vehicle and stand as far to the right of the carriageway as possible, to avoid potential collisions with oncoming vehicles.

Last update: 07/05/2024