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Società Asti-Cuneo A33


  /  History


The Autostrada Asti-Cuneo S.p.A. project company was incorporated on 23 March 2006 (share capital € 200,000,000 – paid-in € 50,000,000, registered at the Rome Companies’ Register – R.E.A. no. 1125353), and it deals with the design, construction, maintenance and management of the motorway link between the cities of Asti and Cuneo.

The Company is a Concessionary Company of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility – MIMS (formerly Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – which took over from ANAS S.p.A., pursuant to Article 11, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree no. 216/2011 and Article 36(4) of Legislative Decree no. 98/2011) for the construction and management of the A33 Asti-Cuneo motorway, under the Single Convention signed with ANAS S.p.A. on 01.08.2007, approved by Interministerial Decree of 21.11.2007, registered by the Court of Auditors on 31.01.2008, and made effective on 11.02.2008 by ANAS Communication Protocol CDG-0021686-P and the subsequent Additional Deed signed on 30.10.2020, which became effective following the registration at the Court of Auditors on 06.03.2021 of Approval Decree no. 5 dated 07.01.2021, and notified to ATCN on 08.03.2021 by note of the Concession Provider MIMS, prot. no. U.0006219.

Last update: 06/05/2024